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I’m Desiree Rodriguez and I am a Wellness Advocate and the Founder of Rican Vegan.

I wasn’t always in the best of health.  Throughout my life when people looked at me they thought I was in great health because I did not look extremely heavy on the outside, but on the inside I was unhealthy. After switching to a predominately whole food plant-based diet I was able to improve my overall health dramatically.  I felt and looked better than ever and then I thought to myself, why aren’t more people eating this way?  They could solve most of their medical conditions and feel better just by eating whole foods.

My Mission

Promote eating a plant-based diet while empowering and inspiring you to better yourself.  I want to show people who are sick of having a medical condition achieve a better quality of life that doesn’t require taking medication.  That’s why I created this blog, Rican Vegan, for the food lover who wants to transition to eating plant-based food that is healthy and flavorful.  I help them heal their medical conditions by demonstrating how plant-based foods can be used as medicine to cure their disorder.

My Journey To A Plant-Based Lifestyle

In recent years, I’ve transformed my eating habits from eating anything and everything that was available on the supermarket shelves to mainly a plant-based diet.  For as long as I could remember I always had a love for food. Food was always on my mind and I preferred eating fried foods, all kinds of meat and seafood, cake, cookies, ice cream and everything else that is full of fat and sugar.  Vegetables were never a priority on my plate and I only ate them when they were breaded and fried or covered in cheese.

What I didn’t realize was that these types of foods were actually affecting my body without me realizing it.  I suffered from several types of allergies, dry patches of skin would appear on different areas of my body at random times and out of nowhere I would break out in hives.  I never made the correlation that these symptoms were the consequences of my eating habits. When I would go to the doctor to see why I was getting these symptoms, I was just prescribed medication to treat them.  My doctors never dug deep to find the root of my conditions.  It was easier for them to keep prescribing me medication as a temporary fix.   I did not want to rely on taking medication for every little condition I had to only have it come back if I missed a dosage.

Growing up in the Puerto Rican culture I was exposed to a number of traditional meals that my family made that were full of flavor but also full of fat, sugar and carbs.  I witnessed firsthand family members becoming overweight and developing high blood pressure, type II diabetes, high cholesterol and having to rely on taking multiple medications to control these conditions. I was told that this was a normal part of getting old and to get ready because the same will happen to me when I get older.  When I heard this I asked myself, why would I want to live like that?  I knew that when I got older I want to live my life and be able to enjoy it without worrying about when I have to take a pill.  I made it my goal to break this vicious cycle of illnesses that plagued my family but at the rate that I was going, I was about to fall into the same trap if I didn’t change.

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Me before eating a plant-based diet

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Me after eating a plant-based diet

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I had no idea that real food could be used as medicine until I saw several documentaries on how people cured themselves from various illnesses by eating a plant-based diet and how processed foods really affect us in the long run.  I decided to give it a shot to see if only eating plant-based foods would work for me too.  As a result, I lost 20 pounds that has stayed off.  The dry patches of skin have disappeared and haven’t returned, I no longer break out in hives and my allergies are now under control without any medication.  I have more energy than I did before without taking any energy supplements and my muscles do not get as sore as they used to after exercising.  When I saw how this changed my life, I knew I couldn’t go back to the way I used to eat.  I felt so much better now than I did before!


When I made the decision to continue eating a plant-based diet I didn’t want to abandon the Puerto Rican food I grew up eating at all so I decided to incorporate those flavors into healthy plant-based meals. I began developing my own recipes and veganizing family recipes to be flavorful, nutritious and plant-based.  I wanted to share my journey of transitioning into a plant-based diet and provide inspiration and tips to those interested in taking their own journey to better health.

Copyright © 2015-2024 Rican Vegan | Desiree Rodriguez. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Desiree Rodriguez and Rican Vegan with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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